Asset Management System

Asset management system enhances visibility, control, and efficiency across the operation phase of asset life cycles. By implementing this system, companies can reduce costs, improve operational resilience, and achieve better overall performance.

Asset Provisioning

Application features to manage the deployment and allocation of assets within organizations. This system ensures that assets are effectively allocated to locations or departments in a timely and effective manner.

Asset Quality Control

Recording the quality control process of various categories and types of assets by aspects such as functionality, attributes, and usability.

Stock Availability Control

Ensuring the right quantity of stock is available when needed while minimizing excess or obsolete inventory.

Asset Distribution

Facilitates assets’s distribution process to ensure assets are delivered to the right location with the right amount.

Asset Monitoring & Tracking

This feature provides crucial information that helps organizations effectively track and manage their assets throughout asset life cycles, whether an asset is operational, on delivery, or out of service. The system includes a document generator such as notes of delivery and records of transfer.

Asset Tag Classification

Provides asset detail information (e.g., serial number, location, batch, vendor, type) and classifies them by status, enabling better visibility and management such as replenishment, replacement, retrieval, and relocation.

Alert Status

Managing notifications for specific user roles related to any asset status and life cycle.

Activity Log

Tool for tracking asset and user activity within the application system.

Work Order

The work order feature allows users to create, manage, and track work orders for various tasks, such as asset installation, retrieval, and relocation.

Task Creation

Create new work orders by entering details such as task description, deadline, and assigned personnel.

Task Tracking

Facilitates monitoring progress, allowing users to check the status of work orders.

Notifications and Reporting

Inform personnel via mobile devices about task description and location. After personnel finish their task and upload work evidence, the system automatically generates a report.

Asset Provisioning

Sistem pencatatan aset pada tahapan persiapan untuk memastikan aset yang tersedia memenuhi kriteria dan layak untuk digunakan dalam operasional perusahaan.

Asset Quality Control

Pencatatan proses quality control (kelengkapan dan fungsi) berbagai kategori dan jenis aset.

Kontrol Jumlah Stok

Pengecekan ketersediaan dan jumlah minimum stok di berbagai lokasi, agar proses pemenuhan stok lebih efektif.

Kirim - Terima Aset

Pencatatan pengiriman dan penerimaan aset dari pusat ke cabang terkait pemenuhan jumlah stok.

Asset Monitoring & Tracking

Sistem pencatatan status fungsi dan kerusakan aset untuk mendapat update kondisi aset serta mempercepat proses penggantian aset yang tidak berfungsi. Sistem dilengkapi dengan pembuatan dokumen otomatis untuk setiap tahapan life-cycle aset, seperti surat jalan, berita acara, dll.

Asset Operational

Pencatatan instalasi aset baru maupun aset pengganti beserta atributnya (nomor serial aset, petugas, jadwal, lokasi instalasi, dll.)

Asset Maintenance

Pengecekan dan pencatatan rincian kerusakan aset serta menentukan jenis aset pengganti

Activity Log

Merekam dan melacak aktivitas user pada sistem, seperti membuat, memperbarui, menghapus data.

Work Order

Sistem alokasi tugas tim lapangan untuk mempermudah monitoring progres pekerjaan, menghindari tumpang tindih penugasan dan pemerataan beban kerja para anggota tim.


SPV tim mendapat informasi tentang anggota tim yang available untuk penugasan tertentu.

Terima Tugas

Melalui perangkat mobile, petugas lapangan mendapat update tugas yang harus dikerjakan beserta rincian pekerjaannya

Update Tugas

Petugas lapangan dapat meng-update progres pekerjaan, sehingga dapat dimonitor oleh SPV tim dengan mudah.

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